I am going to Mongolia! It was with a lot of anxiety that I bought the tickets two days ago, but now I have the tickets! In paper even!
I will join a small French caving expedition to Mongolia, from July 21 to August 19. We will be a team of five persons in total, with diverse interests but the focus on caves. Caves in Mongolia? Well, honestly there are not many known caves there, but the very few earlier caving expeditions there have found some caves up to ca 300m in length, so there is at least some potential. It will be very exiting to take part in some of the first explorations in this nearly unknown land! And who knows, the reason only a few caves are known might be that only very few people have looked for them…!
…Now I will have to live on blodpudding and falukorv for the rest of the month. And I need a new camera…
I am very interested in going to Mongolia myself for caving (I am a member of the Speleoclub Berlin). I would like to ask you for information on caves in Mongolia, as for now I can only collect literature. I would also be very happy if you could let me know if your discoveries after your trip! Maybe you will have photographs, cave plans, expedition details…or publications whenever they are ready. I would very much appreciate if you could share your experiences with me! Also, I know of a Mongolian (E. Avirmed) who wrote his diploma thesis on Mongolian caves. Unfortunately I was not able to get a copy of this work. So, please, if you have or get a copy – would you mind to share it with me? I would of course pay for copying and sending the letter!
Thank you very much and